Healthy Body Solutions


What is it?

 In recent times, our soils have been depleted of essential minerals.  Many fruits and vegetables now contain less than 12 minerals when it has been determined that life requires over 70 minerals to function properly.

In addition, environmental pollution keeps the oxygen in the atmosphere at a level averaging lower than 21%.  In some major cities, this level is as low as 8%.  In the past, our atmosphere contained between 38% and 50% oxygen.  Simply put, life is not designed to breathe air with less than 21% oxygen.

These mineral deficiencies, combined with this lack of oxygen, lead directly to disease in many life forms.

NanO2+ is extremely advanced and is the first preventive and survival formula on the market today to answer those major deficiencies.  It is the fluid of life that the cell needs for optimal health.  Furthermore, it preserves youth, supplements in electrolytes, stimulates the immune system, and helps to generate oxygen and hydrogen in cells.

NanO2+ is 100% natural.  It is made from organic materials--fossilized plants from virgin earth and from the sea. Using a process that involves scalar physics, it provides 100% optimal cellular nutrient absorption.

NanO2+ comes to the rescue of Mother Earth, which has been badly overexploited by the human race. It has no side effects, is non-toxic, and can be consumed by babies.  Additionally, it is not affected by X-rays and other electromagnetic influences.  Finally, it is absolutely stable and becomes stronger with age.

How Does NanO2+ Work?

Zeta or electrical potential represents a basic law of nature and plays a vital role in all forms of life. Without electrical polarity, we could not live.

The special minerals in NanO2+ have a high electrical charge or zeta potential, which means that the living cells utilize these minerals immediately.

About 85% of NanO2+’s mineral content are perfect 12-sided crystals. The remaining crystals have as many as 64 sides.

It is one thing to have minerals, yet it is another to have fully informed minerals like Mother Earth offers us.

Its Healing Benefits:

It feeds the cell.

Dr. Alexis Carrel won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for demonstrating that living cells are immortal and that it is merely the fluid in which they float that degenerates. Renew this fluid at intervals, give the cells what they require for nutrition, and the pulsation of life may go on forever. NanO2+ is that cellular formula.

NanO2+ is a perfectly adapted transport system for all life forms.

NanO2+ is a supplement that provides, with a 100% cellular absorption rate to the cells and to the brain, a well-balanced 131 micronutrients:

  • 85 electrically charged minerals in a Fulvic Acid deuterium base;
  • 18 amino acids; and
  • 28 metabolic enzymes.

These nutrients contribute to increasing biochemical activity and they return to the body what modern living and technology is stripping away.

NanO2+ contains 3.5% of body friendly sulfur.  Also, it brings to the body oxygen, hydrogen, and some vitamins.

Scientists have estimated that the average life form radiates a life frequency of 6,500 angstroms.  A life form facing cancer will radiate at approximately 1,875 angstroms, which is the same measurement for refined white bread. Just one drop of NanO2+ in 250ml (8 ounces) of water emanates 77,000 angstroms of radiant life energy, delivering it to every cell in the body.

It reprograms the cell.

NanO2+ helps to protect and to repair DNA and the cell membrane.

NanO2+ does not destroy sick cells.  On the contrary, it rebalances them, reprograms them, and gives them back their youth. Therefore, it helps to fight and eliminate physiological addictions.

As a result, healing comes faster and with more harmony. Furthermore, NanO2+ heals without destroying.

It increases cellular respiration.

NanO2+ dissociates water molecules and is developed from a solution that has the ability to release the oxygen and hydrogen simultaneously in a chain reaction that involves only 1/600,000ths of the body's available moisture at any time.

When NanO2+ is combined with water, an exothermic reaction happens in which oxygen and hydrogen are released.

Since most life forms are composed of two-thirds water, the oxygen and hydrogen source is unlimited. The steady flow of oxygen and hydrogen to all parts of the body allows for simultaneous oxygenation and reduction within the cells.

NanO2+ helps reduce the risk of cancer by improving cellular respiration. Dr. Otto Warburg, two-time Nobel Prize winner, wrote “The first cause of cancer is the changing from aerobic cell respiration to an anaerobic (oxygen deficient) cell respiration. When cells receive less than 40% of their oxygen needs, they become either cancerous or they die.”

It is essential to the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate).

ATP is fundamental.  Every second, each of our approximately 50 trillion cells consumes and regenerates 10 million molecules of ATP.  This massive energy generation is the fundamental core function of every living cell.

Without ATP, basic activities such as cellular repair and synthesis of proteins, enzymes, hormones, and neurotransmitters would not occur. Also, DNA repair and cell reproduction would cease.  As a result, our thoughts, our feelings, our ability for communication, and our ability to experience the world through our senses and change it through our actions would stop.

ATP is composed of three phosphates. The breaking of the bond between the second and third phosphate releases the energy to power virtually all cellular processes.

Amazingly, we all generate enough metabolic energy to produce our own body weight in ATP every day just to function.

NanO2+ brings in the nutrients needed to generate this staggering amount of ATP.

It is a metabolic catalyst and an energy booster.

NanO2+ enhances nutrient absorption and increases metabolism.  As a result, it promotes greater availability of vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other nutrients for our body to absorb.

NanO2+ allows the body to function cleanly and efficiently, resulting in an increased energy level over time.  Also, the body’s recuperation time is improved.

NanO2+ reduces lactic acid accumulation after exercise.

It detoxifies the body deeply.

After the energy potential in the body is increased, the natural mechanisms in the body increase to move waste and xenobiotics (internal toxins) material out of the body.  In addition, it acts as a free electron donor, repairing tissues on contact at the cellular level, and, therefore, making it a very powerful antioxidant.

Darkfield microscope studies reveal that within fifteen minutes after ingesting NanO2+, the cells are cleaner and move more freely.

NanO2+ also destroys free radicals with the enzyme catalase. Catalase breaks down hydrogen peroxide, a metabolic waste product of the body, and liberates oxygen for the body to use.

NanO2+ also lowers risks of cardio respiratory degenerative complications.

It rebalances the PH of the body.

NanO2+ is, in essence, an electromagnetic equation. It is a di-pole, di-base delivery system and it brings nutrients to the cells and tissues under any conditions.  As a result, it will normalize the body's acid-base balance.

It delivers colloidal minerals.

The minerals in NanO2+ are in a special colloidal suspension very particular to the product.  They are the smallest ever produced and act more like a gas than a solution.

It cleanses the body.

NanO2+ will fight bacteria, viruses, yeast, and parasites without harming the intestinal flora and beneficial microorganisms that life needs to flourish.

NanO2+ is an excellent wound disinfectant and boosts healing.

NanO2+ works on all cellular bodies.

NanO2+ can enter every cell membrane in the body including the brain, which:

  • helps to improve one’s moods, and 
  • increases brain function, memory and alertness.

NanO2+ has an amazing ability to rebalance the body on many levels:

NanO2+ works at the electrical and electromagnetic levels by:

  • increasing the vibrational frequencies of all the body organs;
  • increasing the immune system; and
  • allowing the nervous system to function more effectively.

It works at the biological level by:

  • enhancing natural biological processes, such as digestive and  metabolic function through enzymatic action.

It works on the chemical level by:

  • providing amino acids to the body for rebuilding.

It works on the psychological and emotional levels by:

  • supplying oxygen and nutrients to the brain and bringing a sense of personal well-being.

NanO2+ also has these other important qualities that are worth mentioning:

  • increases cellular hydration;
  • improves joint and cartilage repair;
  • is a topical wound healer;
  • improves skin problems, such as: warts, athlete's foot, nail fungus, and diabetic ulcers;
  • is an outstanding water purifier (experiment with your favorite pet by adding a few drops to your pet’s water and notice how your pet becomes more active);
  • neutralizes radiation in the body from cell phone, computer and television radiation exposure;
  • lowers cardiac risk (it causes clotted blood to “unclot”);
  • makes water “wetter” by decreasing its surface tension.

