Healthy Body Solutions

PicBioSimL03NanO Bio-Sim

Regain your health

Here is a safe alternative for ridding the body of Candida, parasites, worms, yeast, fungus and amoebas without harmful side effects.

It can also be a precious helper to get rid of nicotine, xenobiotics (toxins within the body), and environmental toxins.

Living in an ever-stressful environment, where diseases are omnipresent, it is more than ever important to take responsibility for your own health.

It's up to you.

What is Bio-Sim made from?

There are over 10 000 varieties of diatomaceous earth. Bio-Sim is made from a particular food-grade variety that is just the right size to work.

This diatomaceous earth is uniquely treated and processed to help all life forms having healthy support for their immune system. It is then nanonized and combined with a small amount of sugar cane and kosher distilled vinegar to serve as baits for the hidden parasites.

Timing, temperature, and humidity all play a part in a successful blend.

Its action

The Bio-Sim is a new product that will support and boost the immune system in a natural way and bring back health with harmony.

This product is a must.  The ridding of the body of Candida, parasites, worms yeast, fungus and amoebas is the fundamental base of any cure that will bring health back to the body.

Once the Bio-Sim is absorbed by the body, the sugar and the vinegar will start attracting the parasites, fungus, Candida, worms and amoebas out of their hidings. Then, the NanO silica will act as cutting knives to the intruders. This will only touch the pathogens and leave the healthy body intact because of the perfect sizing of the diatomaceous earth.  It took many years to find this perfect sizing.

The toxins produced by the cleansing are picked up by the intestines, the kidneys, the lungs, the skin and the liver to be evacuated.

The Bio-Sim is also very useful to help the body to get rid of nicotine and many other toxins that can seriously damage health. Perhaps able to absorb up to 1,000 times its own weight in toxins, it is excellent for cleaning the blood at a cellular level.


To be determined with your practitioner or doctor. It is important to follow your practitioner’s or doctor’s advice upon taking the Bio-Sim as diet is an essential part of this medicine.


Why You Need Bio-Sim

A look at yeast and fungus

 The candidosis is an ever-present yeast in our body, and up to a certain level, does not harm our health.

As a matter of fact, the problem does not come from the presence of fungus itself, but rather from the overgrowth of it in the body. This overgrowth is the start of a long list of pathologies and modern syndromes, and nonetheless, is still an under estimated problem in the world.

About 70 % of women and 30 % of men suffer from this situation and yet, most of them ignore it. Too many people are guided by practitioners that limit their investigation to the symptoms, rather than addressing the real cause of the problem.

Fungus and yeast feed themselves out of the food that comes from the modern diet: white bread, sugar, alcohol, soft drinks, caffeine, dairy products, white rice, potatoes, pastas, corn, vinegar, peanuts, mushrooms, etc.

Its origin

No matter how hard you try to get rid of fungus in your house or in your food, fungus and yeast will always be present everywhere in your environment.

Under normal conditions, our body is able to keep those intruders and many other microorganisms at bay.

However, our modern way of living brings our body down to a level where those little creatures can make their way in and start altering our health.

Candidosis is stimulated by:

  • stress
  • hormonal imbalance
  • pharmaceutical drugs such as birth control medication, antibiotics or anti-inflammatory


Fungus and yeast: an invisible enemy with devastating consequences

The candidosis does not only bring its own set of problems but it also creates an environment that will host many other pathological invaders. The parasites and the virus for instance are a common threat to people suffering from fungus problems.

When the candidosis reach a systemic invasion (throughout the whole body), it can bring a whole set of symptoms that can be hard to identify as a fungal problem because these signs seem to have no link to each other and the candidosis: intestinal problems, environmental allergies, itching, arthritis pain like, headaches, etc.

There are more than 100 symptoms related to candidosis and yeast infection. Some seem to get worse during humid days. Many specialists agree to say that the following symptoms indicate a fungus and yeast overgrowth:

  • tinnitus
  • unexplainable allergies
  • anemia
  • asthma
  • bloating and flatulence
  • bronchitis
  • stomach burns
  • nasal itch and congestion
  • depression
  • diarrhea or constipation, gastrointestinal enteritis
  • dizziness, loss of balance
  • chronic fatigue
  • frequent colds and sore throat
  • high blood pressure
  • hypoglycemia
  • emotional instability
  • cold hands and feet
  • persistent drowsiness
  • bad breath
  • headaches
  • irritability, nervousness
  • short term memory loss
  • thyroid problems
  • skin problems, athlete's foot, jock itch
  • digestive problems
  • sinusitis, nasal itch or congestion
  • drowsiness after meals
  • PMS
  • irritable bowel syndrome

There are more symptoms still, like thrush. Thrush is a common side effect of antibiotics and steroids prescribed for asthma. It can also flare up from too much soda pop, coffee, or candies. But thrush does not develop independently or in isolated conditions. It is just one of the symptoms of Candida.

Another example: urinary track infections and yeast infections are common problems with women since 25 % of them will suffer from it at one point in their life. This type of infection is generally not just a localized condition, but rather a symptom of systemic Candida overgrowth that demands a global approach.

Studies by Eunice Carlson, a microbiologist and PhD, on Toxic shock syndrome showed that a healthy woman can have 1 million staph germs in the vagina without side effects. But for a woman with candidosis, only 5 bacterias were needed to lead to TSS.

Some stages in infection to Candida will be traditionally categorized as a syndrome of some kind when indeed it is only candidosis.

Candida is virtually present in every case of fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, hyper or hypoglycemia and diabetes.

It brings a generalized malabsorption problem of which iodine and many amino acids like tyrosine may come to be missing in the body. This situation will lead to hypothyroidism. Hands and feet become cold and the body temperature destabilizes. In some cases, blood pressure may drop. Often diagnosis and attention are misdirected to focusing on the thyroid symptom and misses the underlying causes, candidosis.

It is interesting to notice that it becomes easier for people to change diet or to lose weight when they get rid of the Candida first. Actually, candidosis can manifest itself through sugar or junk food crisis.

Even when Candida has been properly identified as the main cause of problems, the traditional healing solutions are not totally satisfying:

  • a very strict diet will more than often take the joy out of living or
  • medications that will bring some release only to flare up as soon as it is stopped.
  • This shows just how much Bio-Sim fills the need for a new solution.


Parasites, worms and amoeba

These small predators do not make any discrimination: they find home as much in humans as in other animals.

They are present in epidemic proportions all over the surface of earth, mainly caused by pollution. Parasites are the cause of many disease processes in the human body. Most of us are unaware that we are harboring these creatures, nor of how they can damage our internal organs and leave our bodies full of their own waste.

There are over 134 kinds of parasites that can live in the human body. Most people have one kind or another. We tend to think that parasites are only prevalent in under-developed parts of the world, certainly not in modern cities and town. We are badly mistaking.

In reality, parasites are considered to be in epidemic proportions in countries such as US and Europe as well. In 1976, the Center for Disease Control concluded that 1 out of 6 Americans had some sort of parasites. It is estimated that the problem has increased of 250 % today.

Are you a pet owner? Dogs, cats, horses, birds, guinea pigs, rabbits, turtles, lizards? Regardless of what kind of animal you may share your home with you are just likely to share some of their bugs as well. Here are some examples: salmonella, ascaridoid nematodes (round worm), trichuriasis vulpis (whip worm), qxyuris (pinworm), dipylidium caninum (tapeworm), strongyloidosis, psittacosis, pasturella, and ancylostoma.

People that do not live with pets are also susceptible to parasites. Why? Because we can find them in food we eat, in the soil, in the air, water. Houses are often invaded by them.

Parasites are the cause of many problems in the human body. They feed on human blood and our intestines. This weakens and damages our bodies, causing a variety of illnesses. The tissue they feed on begins to die, and this tissue produces toxins that further sicken us. In addition, the parasites themselves produce waste products that fill our bodies with toxic substances.

Generally, diseases caused by parasitic infections are treated without ever discovering or acknowledging their origin. Just like for candidosis, the substances prescribed to treat most common parasites have harsh side effects, such as potential liver damage.

Parasites are a serious threat: the World Health Organization has named 6 parasites diseases as among the most harmful infectious diseases in humans.

Bio-Sim will help remove these harmful parasites from your body!

NanO Bio-Sim
